Traditional Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation): Steps, Sequence and Benefits

Traditional Chandra Namaskar

Although Traditional Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation) is less frequently practiced in yoga classes, they work on a similar principle. As sun salutation stimulates the energy like the sun, in Moon Salutation (Chandra Namaskar) we aim to embody the qualities associated with the moon such as calmness, coolness, intuition, femininity, and yin energy. The effectiveness of this Chandra Namaskar sequence lies not solely in the movements themselves but rather in the intention behind your practice.

In general, life emphasizing either masculine or feminine traits too much can lead to disruptions in both physical and mental harmony. It’s important to note that achieving a personal equilibrium is essential for overall well-being. masculine or feminine qualities are not exclusive to any gender; they exist within each individual.

Brief Info of Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation)

When practicing the Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation), focus on gently relaxing your body and mind, using gentle effort. Flow smoothly through each movement, synchronizing with your breath. Cultivate a sense of surrender, tranquility, and introspection within yourself. Avoid exerting your body by using excessive force or intensity, and instead, tune into smooth shifts in movement. Observe how your energy and emotions are responding to the intention you bring to your practice.

The moon salutation sequence mirrors that of Sun salutations, with the addition of a new pose Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose) following Ashwa Sanchalanasana. While Surya Namaskar’s twelve positions correspond to the zodiac or solar phases of the year, Chandra Namaskar’s fourteen positions align with the lunar phases.

Benefits Of Chandra Namaskar | Moon Salutations

Here are some important benefits of moon salutations.

  • Help you to harness lunar energy characterized by its calming, cooling, and imaginative attributes. 
  • Promote mental relaxation and tranquility.
  • Moon salutations prove beneficial in times of heightened energy or heat, such as summer, offering a soothing and serene influence.
  • Additionally, moon salutations elongate the spine and target the hamstrings and posterior leg muscles, enhancing strength in the legs, arms, back, and abdomen.
  • As with any yoga regimen, beginners may seek guidance from a qualified instructor until they are comfortable practicing independently.
  • Practicing moon salutation especially in the evening at a slow pace helps to regulate your sleeping pattern, calm your mind, and prepare your body for restful sleep.

Traditional Chandra Namaskar Sequence

Chandra Namaskar Sequence consists of 14 steps, which correspond to the fourteen lunar phases. In Chandra Namaskar, there are 9 yoga poses and 14 positions. These 14 steps are completed in one half round, with each leg performing 28 steps in total.

Chandra Namaskar Steps:

The 14 steps of the Chandra Namaskar sequence are given below.

1. Pranamasana

Close your eyes. Stand tall with your feet together. Join your palms together at the center of your chest. normalize your breath, Let your entire body relax.


Modify: If you experience lower back pain or discomfort in your knees or your thighs rubbing together, adjust your feet by positioning them parallel and hip-width apart.

2. Inhale – Hasta Uttanasana

Raise your hands up, your arms shoulder-width apart, and extend them upward. Remember to gently arch your back.

Inhale – Hasta Uttanasana

Modify: Hand straight up instead of back

3. Exhale – Padahastasana

Fold forward from the hips until your fingertips or palms touch the floor beside your feet. Avoid overexertion.

Ashwa Sanchalanasana

Modify: If you have a slipped disc or lower back issues, keep your knees bent as you bring your palms to the floor. Gradually work towards straightening your legs or bringing your hands to your shins/ankles as your flexibility improves.

4. Inhale / Exhale–Ashwa Sanchalanasana

Step back with your left foot and shift your pelvis forward. Lift your upper body, tilt your head back, arch your spine, and gaze upward toward the sky.

5. Inhale – Ardha Chandrasana

Lift your hands and extend both arms overhead, keeping them shoulder-width apart. Arch your back, gaze upwards, and lift your chin.

Ardha Chandrasana

6. Exhale – Parvatasana/Mountain Pose

Place your palms on the floor and step your right foot back beside the left, lifting your hips toward the ceiling. Lengthen your spine and draw your shoulders toward your ankles. Take a few breaths in this position. (This pose resembles Downward Facing Dog, with feet together.)


Modify: If the pose feels too intense, maintain a slight bend in the knees.

7. On the Next Exhale – Ashtanga Namaskara

Come onto your toes and gently lower your knees, chin, and chest to the floor, keeping your hips and abdomen elevated.


Modify: Begin by lowering your knees, followed by your chest and chin.

8. Inhale – Bhujangasana

While keeping the hands and feet stationary, slide your chest forward and lift it up. Open your shoulders by drawing them away from your ears, and tilt your head back to gaze at the sky. Ensure your hips and thighs remain on the floor.


Note: Engage your buttocks and thighs by squeezing them to protect your lower back. Unless you’re highly flexible, avoid attempting to fully straighten your arms.

9. Exhale – Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)

While maintaining the hands and feet in place, raise your hips upwards, lowering your heels to the ground, elongating your spine, and drawing your shoulders towards your ankles. Take several breaths in this position. As you exhale, lift your hips toward the sky and press your hands into the ground. (Similar to step 6)

Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)

10. Inhale/Exhale – Ashwa Sanchalanasana

Step the left foot forward between your hands and gently push your pelvis forward. Lift your torso, tilt your head back, arch your spine, and gaze upward toward the sky. (Similar to step 4)

Ashwa Sanchalanasana

11. Inhale – Ardha Chandrasana

Lift your hands and extend both arms overhead, keeping them shoulder-width apart. Arch your back, gaze upward, and lift your chin. (Similar to step 5)

Ardha Chandrasana

12. Exhale – Padahastasana

Step the right foot next to the left and gently straighten your knees. Bring the crown of your head towards the ground. (Similar to step 3)

Exhale – Padahastasana

13. Inhale – Hasta Uttanasana

Maintain shoulder-width distance between your arms as you lift your torso, keeping your spine as straight as you can. Extend your hands overhead and reach back, gently bending. (Similar to step 2)

Inhale – Hasta Uttanasana

14. Exhale – Pranamasana

Bring your palms together at the center of your chest. (Similar to step 1) Repeat the sequence by switching the legs in Steps 4, Step 5, Step 10, and Step 11 (Ashwa Sanchalanasana and Ardha Chandrasana) to stretch the opposite side of the body. Maintain the same postures for the remainder of the sequence.


People May Also Ask!

Q: What is Chandra namaskar?

A: The term Chandra signifies moon, and namaskar means salutation. Similar to how the moon reflects sunlight without emitting its own light, Chandra Namaskara is considered a reflective practice derived from Surya Namaskar. It follows the same sequence of asanas as Surya Namaskara, with the addition of Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose), which is performed after Ashwa Sanchalanasana.

Q: When to do chandra namaskar?

A: Chandra Namaskar is ideally practiced during the evening or at night, particularly when the moon is present. As with all yoga routines, it’s important to practice Chandra Namaskar on an empty stomach.

Q: How many times can we do chandra namaskar?

A: Consider practicing chandra namaskar 3 to 7 rounds slowly and mindfully.

Q: How many rounds of chandra namaskar?

A: To derive spiritual benefits, consider practicing 3 to 7 rounds slowly and mindfully, focusing on prolonged breathing. Maintaining gentle and even breaths through both nostrils while moving between asanas, enhances the meditative quality of your practice.


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