What is the Difference Between RYT and E-RYT? (Explained)

Difference Between RYT and E-RYT

Yoga is an ancient practice that was originated in India. It is a practice that includes asanas (yoga poses), pranayama (breathing practices), mudra (hand gestures), mantras (sacred sounds), and much more. Since its origin yoga has been assisting in both emotional and physical peace. It is even the gateway to spiritual connection. Time and again it has proven its significance in balancing life. Yoga has always shown the path that leads to a better life.

This ancient practice of leading life has become a global phenomenon today. Indians have been practicing this since ages for a better lifestyle and understanding of life. And now all over the globe this has become recognised.

For both personal growth and physical wellness people are using yoga as a way out. But not everyone knows how to bring yoga into practice in the right way. Thus, With its rise in popularity, the demand for qualified yoga instructors has increased exponentially.

Thus, certifications such as RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) and E-RYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher) must be essential credentials for those wishing to teach yoga professionally. But what do this ryt and eryt actually mean? It’s essential for you to understand this irrespective of whether you’re looking for an instructor or want to become one.

Therefore, here we will be looking into the differences between RYT and E-RYT. Thus, providing a complete guide for aspiring yoga teachers and the ones looking for a yoga instructor.

What is RYT?

RYT simply stands for Registered Yoga Teacher. But what does RYT mean? Well, this is a designation awarded by the Yoga Alliance. Yoga Alliance is the most influential organization in the yoga community. This organization was Founded in 1999. Yoga Alliance is known to set standards and guidelines for yoga teacher training programs. Basically, deciding the ability of an individual to become a trustworthy yoga instructor.

Their focus is to make sure that the authenticity and quality of yoga instruction worldwide is maintained. Still, looking for RYT meaning? Here’s your answer, becoming an RYT signifies that a teacher has completed a strict and thorough training program. It represents the credibility of the yoga instructor. An RYT reflects that they strictly stick to and follow the standards set by Yoga Alliance.

How To Earn The Title Of RYT?

After knowing briefly about RYT registered yoga teacher, the question arises How To Earn This Title Of RYT? Hence, to answer the question, To become an RYT, one must complete a yoga teacher training program. And mind that the program needs to be from a Registered Yoga School (RYS).

These Yoga schools are recognized by the Yoga Alliance. The recognition is granted provided they meet specific standards for curriculum standards. The RYT Yoga school must stick to the organization’s regulations. These Schools must submit their curriculum for approval. They even have to pay an annual fee to maintain their RYS status.

The training programs at RYS are made in such a way that they cover essential aspects of yoga. The curriculum must include philosophy and anatomy. The aspiring instructors must also be taught the teaching methodology.

What are the Different Types of RYT?

The designation for RYT comes in several levels. The level associated with the RYT represents the amount of training and experience a yoga teacher has undergone. Following are the designations of RYT:

RYT 200

RYT 200 simply indicates 200 hours of yoga teacher training program. More specifically it is awarded to individuals who have completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training program. And it must be from a Yoga Alliance-registered school.

This is the shortest duration course or program. RYT 200 meaning is that this is a foundational course. Being foundational, it covers crucial aspects of yoga. The curriculum usually includes yoga history and philosophy. Physiology and anatomy are also added. And most importantly the various teaching techniques.

This is indeed a basic-level program. But, it is a notable milestone for aspiring yoga teachers. Especially Yoga Alliance RYT 200 is often the minimum requirement for teaching positions at many yoga institutions.

The RYT 200 designation course is like the first step into the world of teaching yoga. This program’s curriculum typically includes Hatha yoga asanas and traditional styles of yoga. The aspiring candidate will learn breathing practices and meditation. The study of yoga philosophy, yoga terms, as well as safe yet effective teaching techniques, are present in the curriculum. Achieving the RYT 200 certification is essential for anyone serious about pursuing a career in yoga instruction.

RYT 300

RYT 300 is a more advanced certification. This program is built upon the foundational 200-hour course. Just like RYT 200 To qualify for this designation, individuals must complete an additional 300-hour training program. And it should be from the same or another Yoga Alliance-registered school.

This level gives a deeper understanding of yoga philosophy and advanced asanas. The anatomy, and teaching methodologies are also advanced. With the RYT 300 course, the understanding of each yoga asana is deeper. Thus, the practitioners perform advanced asanas. Then they add them to their teaching.

The course includes a complete study of yoga philosophy and body anatomy. The study of physiology is also included. The enrolled students engage in longer and deeper meditative practices. They learn how to add challenging yoga kriya practices into their daily routines. The Completion of the RYT 300 program states a deeper dedication to mastering the art and science of yoga.

RYT 500

The highest level of RYT certification is RYT 500. In the hierarchy of RYT designations, RYT 500 stands at the top. This is awarded after completing a 500-hour yoga teacher training course. This can be achieved through a single 500-hour program. Or there’s another way by combining a 200-hour and a 300-hour program from RYS.

The RYT 500 level includes advanced yoga practices. A vast teaching experience is the main benefit. An expert understanding of yoga philosophy and anatomy is also there in the curriculum. More specifically, The curriculum for an RYT 500 program includes advanced topics in areas such as yoga philosophy, and anatomy. There’s a deeper knowledge of asanas with variations and modifications in the curriculum as well.

The program majorly focuses on yoga teaching methodology and practice. It should be noted that to gain an RYT 500 title, a minimum of 100 hours of teaching experience post-certification is required. This ensures that the teacher has practical experience in applying their knowledge in a classroom setting.

What Is E-RYT? How Is It Different From RYT?

ERYT stands for Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher. Just like RYT, this designation requires the completion of the necessary training hours. not only that but it also mandates a significant amount of teaching experience post-certification. The “E” in E-RYT represents the experience. Thus, setting these teachers apart as highly experienced practitioners. They are practitioners with experience and thus trustworthy yoga instructors.

How To Earn The Title Of RYT?

Earning the title of ERYT requires additional practice hours even after the certification (from RYS) duration is completed. The number of additional practice hours depends on the designation of ERYT to be gained.

What are the Different Types of RYT?

Just like RYT ERYT also has its types. These types determine the number of additional practice hours or teaching experience required by the practitioner. It also represents the RYT course already done by the aspiring ERYT.

E-RYT 200

To become an E-RYT 200, one must complete the 200-hour training. That’s the first step. Then they need to accumulate at least 1,000 hours of teaching experience. These hours should be over a minimum of two years.

ERYT 500

For the ERYT 500 level, a teacher must first complete the 500-hour training. Then gain at least 2,000 hours of teaching experience. These hours should be over a minimum of four years.

What Stands ERYT Apart From RYT?

The distinction of both is to make sure that ERYTs have a deeper practical understanding of teaching yoga than RYTs. thus the credibility and expertise of ERYT increases.

This, ERYT status is particularly useful for those who wish to teach other yoga teachers or lead their teacher training programs. The RYTs are simple yoga teachers who can take classes for beginners in yoga. Or simply not the ones who aspire to be a teacher themselves RYT is better for such practitioners.

The requirement for additional experience in teaching makes sure that ERYTs have garnered their skills. It also ensures they have gained the required practical knowledge. This makes them highly competent educators than RYTs.

Closing Thoughts

Therefore, we understood that there’s a huge difference between the RYT and ERYT. And understanding this difference is essential. Especially for aspiring yoga teachers, this is important.

Keep in mind that both certifications indicate the level of training. However, E-RYT reflects a higher level of experience and expertise. So it is your choice to become an RYT 200 or ERYT 500. Just remember these certifications play a significant role to prove your credibility. These certificates will speak for your expertise in the yoga community.

As these certifications are recognized by Yoga Alliance, so by doing these you align with Yoga Alliance standards. This will improve your professional standing. And not only that but you will contribute to the global mission of promoting authentic and high-quality yoga practice.

As you progress through the various levels of RYT and ERYT, you deepen your knowledge. Your teaching skills will be refined. Then you will be perfect to help spread the transformative power of yoga to a wider audience.

In simpler words, becoming an RYT or ERYT is a commitment. A commitment that involves strict training and practical real-world experience. The journey from RYT 200 to ERYT 500 is one of continuous learning and personal growth.

This journey reflects a deep dedication to the practice and teaching of yoga. These certifications provide a path to achieve excellence in yoga instruction. this ensures that you are well-equipped to inspire and guide others on their yoga journeys.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What is the difference between RYT and ERYT?

A. RYT stands for Registered Yoga Teacher. This simply indicates the successful completion of a certified yoga teacher training program from RYS. ERYT stands for Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher. This requires additional teaching experience beyond the initial certification. This title highlights a higher level of expertise and practical knowledge in teaching yoga.

Q. How can one earn the title of RYT?

A. To become an RYT, you first complete a yoga teacher training program. The program completion must be from a Registered Yoga School (RYS) recognized by Yoga Alliance. The training covers essential aspects such as philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methodologies.

Q. What are the different levels of RYT certification?

A. RYT certification comes in three levels:
1. RYT 200 (200 hours of training)
2. RYT 300 (additional 300 hours of training)
3. RYT 500 (a combination of 200 and 300-hour programs or a single 500-hour program). 
Each level represents a deeper understanding and more advanced practice of yoga.

Q. What qualifications are needed for ERYT certification?

A. ERYT certification requires completing the necessary training hours. Training hours are covered in the learning process or during the course. Then accumulate significant teaching experience. Such as ERYT 200 requires 1,000 hours of teaching over two years. ERYT 500 requires 2,000 hours of teaching experience over four years.

Q. Why is ERYT considered more advanced than RYT?

A. ERYT designation signifies that the teacher has not only completed the required training but also gained vast practical teaching experience. This additional experience ensures a deeper practical understanding. Thus, a higher credibility in teaching yoga. Therefore, ERYTs are more qualified to lead teacher training programs.


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