10 Yoga Poses for Two People: Strengthening Bonds Through Shared Practice

Yoga Poses for Two People

Explore beyond your solitary practice of Yoga to bond with other like-minded yogis! Being more than just stretches, it’s a golden opportunity to deepen your connection through mutual trust, teamwork, and the element of fun. There are many quality yoga teacher training courses in Rishikesh, India to help you through your partner yoga journey.

It takes good communication, cooperation and finding your sense of balance, thus fostering a great way to deepen your connection with that someone special. So are you ready to hit the mat with someone special? Here are ten awesome and beginner-friendly yoga poses for two people to try as a twosome!

Exploring the 10 Yoga Poses for Two People

Here are ten enjoyable and accessible yoga poses for two people that you can try together.

1. Seated Cat-cow

Cat and Cow Pose

How to do it:

  • Sit in a back-to-back position with your partner, with legs comfortably crossed.
  • Place your hands on your knees.
  • Inhale, then arch your backs, while opening your chests (Cow Pose).
  • Now exhale and round your backs, while tucking your chin to chest (Cat Pose).
  • Synchronize your breaths and then repeat for 5-10 breaths.
Cat and Cow


  • The Seated cat-cow yoga pose for couples:
  • Helps enhance spinal flexibility
  • Improvises upon coordinated breathing and movement
  • Deepens further connection through synchronized flow

2. Double Downward Dog

Double Downward Dog

How to do it:

  • The first partner should start with Downward-Facing Dog.
  • The second partner has to stand facing away from the first partner’s feet.
  • The second partner places hands on the floor and walks his feet up the back of the first partner into a downward-facing dog.
  • Now Hold for 5-7 breaths.
  • Switch positions
    • Helps stretch the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, and arches
    • Adds strength to the upper body
    • Helps build mutual trust and balance

 3. Partner Forward Fold

Partner Forward Fold

How to do it:

  • Sit facing each other, with legs extended, and soles of feet touching.
  • Hold hands or wrists of each other.
  • One partner gently leans forward, pulling slightly, while the other leans back.
  • Hold for 5-7 breaths, and thereafter switch roles.


  • Lengthens the hamstrings and the lower back
  • Boosts communication and trust
  • Encourages a more mild and supportive stretch.

4. Double Boat Pose

Double Boat Pose

How to do it:

  • Sit as you face each other, knees bent and toes touching.
  • Hold hands with each other.
  • Lift the feet off the ground, while bringing shins parallel to the floor.
  • Straighten the legs while keeping soles of feet pressed together, balancing on your sit bones.
  • Hold for 5-7 breaths, and maintain eye contact for a deeper connection.


  • Empowers the core and hip flexor
  • Enhances balance and coordination
  • Incorporate the elements of fun and playfulness into your practice

5. Partner Tree Pose

Partner Tree Pose

How to do it

  • Stand side-by-side along with your partner, while facing the same direction (about 1-2 feet apart).
  • Reach your arms overhead and join your palms with your partner (or forearms if there’s a height difference).
  • Choose a leg to lift (it must be the same side for both partners or opposite in case of an extra challenge).
  • Gently bend in your standing leg while placing the sole of your lifted foot on your inner thigh or calf (and not on the knee).
  • Next, find your balance and the. gaze at a steady point in front of you.
  • Hold for 5-7 breaths, and then switch legs and repeat.


  • Improvises upon balance & coordination.
  • Strengthens the hips & ankles via lifted leg positions.
  • Fosters a sense of connection & trust by relying on each other for balance.

6. Double Plank Pose

Double Plank Pose

How to Do It:

  • The first partner must start in a high plank position with hands, shoulder-width apart and core engaged.
  • The second partner has to lie face-down on the mat, while placing the forearms directly under shoulders of the first partner.
  • The second partner then has to press into the forearms and lift his chest off the mat, while forming a low plank position.
  • Now, maintain a straight line with your bodies from head to heels.
  • Hold for 5-7 breaths, as you feel the connection and core engagement.


  • Helps Strengthen upper body & core.
  • Improves upon balance & stability
  • Helps Boost teamwork & communication

7. Twin Warrior Pose

 Twin Warrior Pose

How to Do It:

  • Stand alongside with your partner, while facing the same direction (about 3 feet apart).
  • Take a big step backwards along with one leg for each partner (both left legs back or both right legs back).
  • Bend your front knee till it forms a 90-degree angle, while keeping your front foot flat.
  • Extend your back leg straight back, with the heel pressing down into the mat.
  • Raise your arms out to the sides, facing parallel to the floor and the palms facing each other (
  • Keep your torso upright.
  • Hold on for 5-7 breaths, with a sense of feeling the strength.
  • Now switch legs while repeating on the other side.


  • Enhances leg strength.
  • Helps improve the balance with single-leg stance and core engagement.
  • Adds more flexibility in chest and shoulders.

8. Supported Fish Pose

How to Do It:

  • Keep yourself seated on the mat with legs extended in front.
  • Now keep a yoga block behind you, and while being positioned at the bottom of your shoulder blades.
  • Lower yourself backward in a gentle manner while resting your head and neck on the block.
  • Extend your legs in the front and keep your feet relaxed (toes pointed or flexed).
    • Option 1: You may rest your arms by your sides with palms facing up.
    • Option 2: You may bring your arms overhead, reaching towards the floor with palms facing each other.
  • Now in a gentle manner, tuck your shoulder blades underneath while you open up your chest.
  • Next breathe in deeply, while expanding your chest and releasing off the element of tension as per each exhale.
  • If you feel comfortable enough, tilt your head back slightly and thereafter allow your neck to stretch.
  • Hold for 5-10 breaths or as long as you feel at ease.


  • The Supported Fish Pose gently stretches the chest and shoulder muscles while also improving flexibility and posture.
  • By gently arching the back and supporting the head and neck, this pose also helps release tension and promotes a sense of tranquility within.
  • The reclined position and open chest under the Supported Fish Pose allow for deeper and more relaxed breaths.

9. Back-to-Back Chair Pose

back to back chair pose

How to Do It:

  • Stand back-to-back with your partner, while linking the arms in a secure manner.
  • Gradually walk your feet out until the knees bend to 90 degrees (chair pose position).
  • Hold for five to seven breaths, and find your balance together.
  • Gradually stand up together.


  • Strengthens the legs
  • Improves the core stability
  • Boosts up balance and coordination

10. Double Child’s Pose

Double Child’s Pose

How to Do It:

  • Kneel while facing your partner with the toes touching.
  • The first partner should fold forward into Child’s Pose while extending arms out front.
  • The second partner on the other hand should gently place hands on the first partner’s lower back while offering a gentle stretch.
  • Hold for 5-7 breaths feeling the connection and relaxation.
  • Switch roles and repeat.


  • Helps elongate the hips, thighs, and back.
  • Promotes a sense of relaxation and stress relief.
  • Encourages the feeling of support and connection.

Final thoughts

Craving some real “we too” time with your special someone? Then how about trying yoga together rather than the usual dinner date? It is indeed a fantastic way to stretch, laugh together, and challenge yourselves alongside.

These ten poses are the perfect go-to for any couple, whether you are experienced yoga masters or complete newbies and can be mastered by enrolling in a good yoga teacher training school in Rishikesh, India.Just remember to communicate with your partner, listen to each other’s bodies and more importantly, have fun! Remember, Yoga is all about connection and there’s nothing quite like connecting with your near and dear ones. Namaste!

Questions & Answered!

Q. Can we perform these partner yoga poses for two people even if we are not experts in the yogic field?

A. Absolutely! These poses are designed for all levels (even if you haven’t the faintest idea what downward-facing dog is!) You’ll probably laugh more than you actually bend and that is absolutely okay!

Q. Okay we’re in. But in couple yoga won’t we just end up falling all over each other?

Sure, there might be some chance of a little tumble here and there, especially in the beginning. Just remember to keep things lighthearted. Perhaps, you could at best lay down a soft mat in case of any wobbles.

Q. Are there any specific benefits of yoga poses for two people as pertaining to performing yoga with a partner?

You bet! Performing yoga poses in synchronization with your partner is a brilliant way to connect with your better half. In addition, it enhances your communication skills, since you will need to chat with each other to figure out the poses.

Q. What kind of poses are good for beginners in couple yoga?

Great question! Look for poses that encourage supported stretches, gentle balancing, and seated positions. Some poses that can work well include Seated Forward Fold (partner variation), Double Downward-Facing Dog, and Seated Spinal Twist (partner variation).

Q. We’re looking for more challenges. Are there any more advanced partner yoga poses?

Of course! Once you are comfortable with the basics, you can further explore poses like Flying Boat Pose, Supported Handstand (with a partner’s help), and AcroYoga (which requires proper training and guidance).

Q. Do we need any special equipment for performing yoga poses for couples with partners?

Not necessarily. A comfortable yoga mat is good enough. However, a large beach towel or even a carpeted area works just as fine! For some poses, yoga blocks or straps might be crucial for added support or flexibility.

Q. Is couple yoga a good way to get stronger?

Absolutely! Couple yoga entails supporting each other’s weight and engages different muscles as in contrast to solo yoga. In addition, the balancing act in some poses requires core strength. 

Q. What if my partner and I are of variable heights? Will performing partner yoga stretches become difficult then?

Though partner yoga may present some challenges, communication is key. There might arise the need to adjust partner yoga poses slightly and thus figure out what works best for both. You will also find yoga poses for couples specifically designed for different heights.


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