Yoga Statistics: How Many People Practice Yoga Worldwide?

Yoga Statistics

Namaste fellow yogis and yoga enthusiasts! Welcome to my divine world of asanas, mantras and spiritualism. I am what you seek – the ancient art of Yoga. I have existed on this planet since the ages of sages and spirituals.

How it Began?

My journey started in the Indus Valley Civilization around 3000 BCE. I then traveled westward where I stepped foot in the United States in 1863. But it wasn’t until the 1930s that I found a place in American culture.

Why Yoga?

I offer a unique fusion of physical movement and mental focus. You can come to me to find strength, flexibility, and inner peace. I can be your stress buster and anti-anxiety tool.

Ready to Explore

This article is your friend, philosopher and guide to know me up-close. You’ll find useful statistics on the following areas: my growth, demographics of my practitioners, and added infographics to enlighten you on the various ways I can benefit you. Whether you’re curious or considering a career in the teaching arena or perhaps running your own yoga business, this resource will take you a step further into my divine world.

Who’s on the Mat? Exploring Yoga Demographics

Yoga Demographics
  • Analyzing data from Statista’s Global Consumer Survey shows that yoga, despite its universal benefits, leans towards female participation globally.
  • In the US, UK, and Spain, the ratio of women to men practicing yoga is roughly 30% to 10%.
  • South Korea has the most significant gender disparity, with 43% of women practicing yoga.
  • India, being the birthplace of yoga, deviates a bit from the global pattern. Here, 22% of men who participate in sports are reported practicing yoga, compared to 31% of women.
  • This reflects a global trend of yoga favoring women, but Indian data highlights cultural influences on participation.
Demographics Yoga

Beyond the Studio: Yoga’s Global Takeover

  • Yoga on the Rise: As per studies in 2016, reports on Yoga in America show a significant jump in yoga participation, with practitioners increasing from 17.8% in 2012 to 28% in 2016.
  • A Global Industry: The yoga industry is considered a major player in the wellness and fitness niche, currently valued at over $88 billion and projected to reach a staggering $215 billion by 2025. This growth reflects a worldwide trend, with over 300 million enthusiasts practicing yoga.
  • Popularity Soaring: There has also been a visible surge in yoga’s popularity between 2010 and 2021, by 63.8%. This indicates a growing interest in the subject of yoga and its benefits.
  • Beyond the Mat: The significant impact of yoga extends beyond just physical practice. The economic footprint of yoga is substantial, with the global industry reaching $37.46 billion in 2019 and expected to hit $66.23 billion by 2027. This translates to individuals spending an average of $500 to $1000 annually on yoga classes and the related products.

In the United States, the practice of Yoga has indeed increased greatly over the last decade. Based on research conducted in 2016, the adoption of yoga increased to 28 percent in 2016 from 17.8 percent in 2012 among the population of the United States of America. This can be viewed as evident of the fact that participation in yoga has been on the rise across the country.

The industry of yoga is now recognized as a significant market sector that is related to fitness and health. Estimates currently stand at $88+ billion while future estimates are approximately $215 billion by the year 2025. This growth is not unique to India; it is seen on a global level with more than 300 million people estimated to be into yoga now.

If we are to look at the observers from the year 2010 to 2021, There was a significant rise in the popularity of yoga by 63.8 percent. This kind of rapid increase in interest and participation within just a decade speaks volumes about the growing trend towards yoga and increased practice of yoga.

Yoga Statistics in the US

Yoga has become a popular practice in the United States in the past decade with a large number of people adopting the same. The Independent Bureau of America revealed that the population of individuals practicing yoga at least once per year increased from 21 million in 2010 to 35 million in 2021 which is a 64% rise. This rise proves the continual growth of yoga prominence in the United States, suggesting that the market for yoga related products and services may continue to develop further.

In 2015, 26 million inhabitants of the United States were practicing yoga, and according to estimations, it was expected that 55 million people could perform yoga in 2020. The statistics in question prove the increase of people’s interest in practicing yoga in the country within recent years.

Age and Demographics Statistics of USA

  • Yoga has become a favorite among the young adults as well as the elderly in the United States of America.
  • The survey shows that around 19% of the population that takes yoga is between the ages of 18 and 29 years. 
  • oga is most popular among the age range 30 to 49 years, and these are the largest demographic group that practices yoga, (43%).
  • The study has also revealed that there has been a thirty-eight percent upsurge in the number of practitioners who are above the age of fifty years.
  • Both of these statistics show that yoga can be beneficial no matter the age of the person engaging in it and can offer some sort of value in each stage of life.
  • Thus yoga can be considered an activity that is accessible to almost anyone of any age. This is evident from the fact that across the different age groups, there is a representation of many people who have embraced yoga as a lifestyle and realized the value of yoga at any age. Due to an increase in the number of enthusiastic participants, yoga has been found useful in enhancing the health of people at all stages in their lives.
Age Bracket% of yoga practitioners
Below 18 years of age8%
18 to 29 years of age19%
30 to 39 years of age43%
40 years and above30%
Age of Yoga Practitioners in USA

How Many People Practice Yoga in the US?

Yoga has grown tremendously in the United States in the last twelve years according to findings, with the population practicing yoga rising by 64%. For instance, Statista predicted that 21 million out of the total population of Americans were practicing yoga in 2010 while the number increased to 34.4 million in 2021.

Other statistics on yoga reveal that to the present time, 15% of the adult population in the United States had practiced yoga during the last six months. The number of individuals practicing yoga grew sufficiently over the years that by 2017, it became the most popular subject among the adults in the United States of America. Meditation has also increased over the years as another complementary therapy in the list of therapy preferences for US adults, as meditation statistics show.

Frequency of Yoga Practice in America

Frequency of Yoga Practice% of Practitioners
5 or more times per week6%
2 to 4 times per week31%
Once per week22%
5-10 times per month14%
Once per month6%
5-10 times per year12%
Not applicable9%
Frequency of Yoga Practice in America
Experience% of yoga practitioners
0 to 1 year30%
1 to 5 years44%
6 to 10 years17%
10 years and more9%

New Yoga Research Studies

  • A natural therapy: Recent studies show that yoga can be used as a natural therapy for mood disorders.
  • Manages traumatic stress: In an interview, Susan Trachman, an associate professor at the George Washington University of Psychiatry and a board-certified psychiatrist revealed that yoga has been shown to be effective in managing a range of disorders, including traumatic stress disorder and gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Hot yoga, a depression healer: More recently, in October of the year 2023, a study conducted on behalf of Harvard University in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry concluded that hot yoga may indeed help with depression. This research design involved a random assignment of 65 adults diagnosed with depression to hot yoga twice weekly for eight weeks group, and a waiting list group. This research also demonstrated that there was a 60% of the hot yoga group noting at least a 50% improvement of the symptoms as compared to only 6% of the control group. These new Harvard stats suggest that hot yoga as a primary or complementary therapy for depression, is effective but caution should be taken by people with certain health issues. The major implication is that it would be possible that participating in 90 minute hot yoga sessions twice per week could help lessen depressive symptoms.

Yoga has become a rapidly expanding art in the wellness niche over the last ten years

  • Currently, around three hundred million people perform yoga practices consistently all over the world.
  • Among the U.S. population, approximately 36 million people practice yoga.
  • The data also shows that there are more than 50% of the growth of the number of practitioners of yoga in the USA within the last 5 years.
  • The study further revealed that from 2012-2016, the male participants from America who practice yoga increased from 4 million to 10 million, an increase of 150%.
  • According to new findings on consumer attitudes towards health and wellness, 34% of people in the United States are likely to attempt practicing yoga for the first time in the next year.
  • Today, approximately one in three folks in America, or 30% of the population, have tried yoga at least once.
  • It is reported that yoga was recognised as being among the 10 trendiest fitness trends in the world in 2019.
  • It is anticipated that the figures of people practicing yoga in the United States will rise to over 55 million in 2020.

Statistics on Yoga and Emotional Health

The following effects of yoga on emotional health have been reported as per a survey conducted on regular yoga practitioners:

  • Stress Reduction – A reported response was that 86% of the staff experienced a decline in stress levels.
  • Mood Improvement – 69% of the respondents said they felt changes in their general mood and temperament.
  • Motivation – 63% say that yoga helps them to have a mental motivation to exercise more.
  • Sleep Quality – It shows that 59% of the respondents get better sleep both in terms of quality and quantity.
  • Mental Wellness – 86% said that they get a general feeling of well-being as well as clarity of the mind.
  • Depression Relief – 28% said that there was a clear and significant improvement in the symptoms of depression.
  • Community Bonding – 79% state the emotional connection with their community which improved significantly.

Physical Benefits of Yoga and its Statistics

Physical Benefit% of yoga practitioners experiencing it
Physical strength and endurance77%
Improve drinking or smoking habit37%
Reduced inflammation82%
Reduced heart problems47%
Relieve back pain80%
Increase mobility and reduce stiffness74%
motivates people to pratice yoga

Yoga Statistics for Specific Physical Conditions or Diseases

  • One of the observations is that in one study, 77% of the respondents said they experienced a rise in physical strength when they undertook yoga exercises.
  • Moreover, for patients with chronic inflammations who were asked to practice yoga regularly, the indicators of inflammation lessened by 50 % within only six weeks.
  • About 47% of the patients, who were asked about a progressive heart disease, saw that further progression of the disease stopped within one year of practicing yoga consistently.
  • 37% of those who formerly used to drink alcohol or cigarettes said that through practice of yoga, they quit the habit
  • Another study conducted a year later in the United Kingdom suggested that 74 percent of grown-up arthritis patients reduced the bouts of pain and stiffness as well as inflexibility through regular practice of yoga.
  • Yoga when practiced on a regular basis for 12 months as an addition to the routine conventional treatment can result in reducing the total cholesterol by 23% and LDL cholesterol, labeled bad cholesterol, by 26%.
  • 80 % of ex-yoga practitioners felt relief from pain in their lower back.

Statistics on Yoga Related Injuries: How Common are Yoga Injuries?

A study that has been published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies suggests that approximately one in ten participants develop aches following the yoga session.

  • It has been postulated that the injury rate from yoga is nearly comparable to a sporting activity. This is evident from the study that employed the Faculty of Health Science at Sydney University in 2017 under the conduct of 354 participants with musculoskeletal pain who had previously practiced yoga. That is, in this study, 21% of the participants pointed to increased pain whilst over 10% said yoga was responsible for their pains.
    As per the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, rising rates in yogis getting injured have also been pointed out. Thus, in 2001, there were 9. 5 injuries out of each 100,000 participants. The rate rose to 17 participants per 100,000. This rate can be compared to those noticed in activities such as weight-training and even golf. Part of the cause involves untrained teachers who conduct lessons for beginner level students.
  • Yoga has been ranked safer among the sports that cause injuries. mostly targeting the lower part of the body such as hips, knees, ankles or feet.

Yoga Practitioners by Country

Country NameApproximate Number of Yoga Practitioners
Canada7.6 Million
India150 Million
Australia1.5 Million
United States35 Million
United Kingdom0.50 Million
Yoga Practitioners by Country

Yoga Industry and its Stats

Bending the Curve: Yoga’s Path from Ancient Practice to Modern Market

Yoga Statistics in Asia

  • The collective expenditure of the practicing population of yoga, for yoga classes, apparels, and other accessories that incorporate yoga in 2018 was nearly 18 billion dollars per year, that is, about 63000 dollars per head.
  • Today, there are approximately thousands of outlets where yoga is being practiced in the U. S.
  • Currently statistics show that in the United States of America alone, there are approximately eighteen thousand yoga instructor schools.
  • The number of Registered yoga instructors had already reached 52,000 in the year 2017.
  • According to the statistics from the yoga industry in the United States, the income predicted to be generated by the business is likely to reach 12 billion dollars in 2020.
  • The yoga business in the global market is predicted to increase to 80 billion dollars.
  • Lululemon Athletica Inc, a store dealing in yoga apparels and related items has expanded by 18% in one year and has recorded sales of 929 million.
  • It was also found out that 24% of the people practicing yoga in the United States take the services of a digital yoga guide to practice yoga at home.

Yoga Statistics in Asia

Yoga Popularity in China and Japan

1. China

  • An estimate of 10 million people in China frequently practice the art of yoga, thereby making it a popular fitness activity.
  • Yoga has gained significant popularity among the wealthy sector in China. 10% of millionaires have chosen it as their fourth favorite sport.
  • The yoga studios in China have tripled growth between 2017 and 2021. This indicates a rapidly growing market.
  • More casual participation in yoga is evident beyond the regular practitioners.

2. Japan

  • A 2017 survey in Japan reported 7.7 million yoga practitioners while it has been predicted to double this figure within three years.
  • A staggering increase in yoga participation has been witnessed by Japan over the past five years as the growth rate exceeds 400%.

Yoga Statistics in Europe and the UK

 A study revealed the top reasons why people in the UK practice yoga:

  •  Overall wellness (39%)
  • Improved fitness (19%)
  • Increased flexibility (8.5%)
  • Addressing a specific physical condition (9.5%)
  • Improved mental health (6%)

UK Yoga Industry Boom

  • The combined yoga and Pilates industry in the UK is valued at a substantial £926 million.
  • The industry employs over 16,400 people across 4,930 businesses.
  • The Pilates and yoga industry experienced significant growth (25.1%) in 2022, reaching its current value.

Rise of Yoga Influencers in Europe

  • During the pandemic, France saw a surge in yoga influencer accounts on Instagram, with a 230% increase (second only to gym influencers).
  • This trend of rising yoga influencers is global. Spain (221%), Italy (110%), Australia (127%), and even Germany (58%) all experienced significant growth.
  • While not as dramatic, the US also saw a 50% increase in yoga influencers on Instagram.

Yoga Statistics in Australia

  • Participation: A 2012 study estimated that 1.7% to 2.9% of Australian adults practice yoga.
  • Motivations: People in Australia primarily take up yoga for health and fitness benefits (71.9%). Maintaining flexibility and muscle tone is another key reason for continuing practice (86.5%).
  • Yoga Styles: Vinyasa and Yin yoga are the most popular styles in Australia, making up 61% of all yoga sessions.
  • Focus on Gentleness: Australians show a strong preference for gentle yoga practices. A survey found gentle or restorative yoga to be the most popular form of mindful movement, with 10% of participants in group exercise activities attending such classes. Gentle yoga sequences incorporating breathwork and meditation account for 39% of yoga workouts in Australia.
  • Market Value: The Australian yoga studio market was valued at a significant $608 million in 2022.

Popularity of Yoga in the world (Top 20 Countries)

East vs. West: Different Takes on Yoga

  • Eastern Approach (like India): Yoga is a way of life, combining mental well-being, physical fitness, and even spirituality into one practice.
  • Western Approach (like US and UK): People often see yoga as a form of exercise focused on relieving pain and stress in the body.
1. India2. Canada3. Brazil4. Vietnam5. Singapore
6. Switzerland7. Ireland8. Australia9. Netherlands10. Austria
11. Sweden12. New Zealand13. US14. Norway15. Germany
16. UAE17. Denmark18. UK19. Spain20. Italy

Yoga Trends and New Age Activities

Here are the latest yoga trends you need to look out for:

Yoga NidraMorning YogaPregnancy Yoga
Aerial yogaYoga TherapyYin Yoga
Chair YogaSomatic YogaHot Yoga

Location Where People Practice Yoga

LocationPercentage Who Do Yoga There
Yoga studio38%
Yoga or wellness festival20%
Special event at a unique venue20%

The Online Yoga Industry and its Stats

  •  A 2020 survey in Japan shows online yoga is gaining popularity.
  •  Over 40% of those surveyed prefer online yoga because it allows for more relaxed participation compared to attending a physical studio.
  • This suggests people are becoming increasingly comfortable with practicing yoga from home.

Where is Yoga Most Popular?

 Based on Google Trends data, Canada appears to be the country where yoga is most popular.

Top Ten Countries Who Googled About Yoga

  1. Canada
  2. Singapore
  3. Australia
  4. Switzerland
  5. Ireland
  6. New Zealand
  7. India
  8. Austria
  9. Hong Kong
  10. United States

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